
Kia Ora and welcome to A5's blog for 2017! We are excited to share our learning, experiences, assessment tasks and life in A5 with you. This blog is also about sharing what we can do all by ourselves so you may see some mistakes along the way. Mistakes are part of our learning journey. Enjoy our mahi, photos and videos and please remember to leave a positive comment for us!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

A5's Cycle Safety and Skills Day

What a neat day A5 had last Tuesday! We came back from the long weekend ready for a day of action.
We learned so many things and got to practice some really cool skills;
We learned
How to check and fit our helmets correctly.
How to check if our bikes were safe (check brakes, tyres, quick release, seat height, bike rattle, and that our wheels were tight)
about the road rules for cyclists and how to ride safely on roads, intersections and roundabouts

Thanks Matua Hugh and Cabin it was a pretty terrific day!

JM's first time riding a bike

JM mastered the art of bike riding at our recent cycle safety day. He was speeding with the rest of the class by the end of a busy day! Well done JM

BJ mastering the art of riding a bike

BJ was super speedy learning how to ride a bike on our recent bike skills day. What an amazing achievement!

Salman Mastering the art of bike riding

At our recent cycle safety day, Salman had the chance to ride a bike for the first time and master the art of being mobile on 2 wheels! He got going pretty quickly and it was not long before he was racing around! Good job Salman!

Salman talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Phoebe talking about her koromatua

Nevaeh talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Max talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Joshua talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

JM talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Jasmin talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Tupara talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Neve talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Navara talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Kate talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Rachel talking about her Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Jaden talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Harriette talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Finn talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Eraia talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Chardonay talking about her koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Bryson talking about his koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Courtney Talking about her Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Brodie Talking about his Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Bree talking about her Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Bradley Talking about his Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

BJ Talking about his Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Awatea Talking about her Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.

Andrew Talking about his Koromatua

Learning Intention: 
Identify all 6 Ngati Whakaue Koromatua and share background information on one chosen Koromatua. Pronounce Māori names and words correctly.


At the end of last term and at the start of this Term A5 welcomed 2 new class members.

JM  and BJ are both from the Philippines! Welcome boys! You are already valued members of our learning community